Start up in Ukraine

Among other services, Arcusin offers the possibility of a training during the commissioning of the equipment and thus understand better the machine operation in real conditions. This way, we highlight the key features that make our products become essential in the fields.
July, month of visits

From New Zealand we were visited by Greig Singer and Greg Kell, from Giltrap AgriZone, to get some training about our equipment in real conditions, specially our trailers. They were impressed by the ease of handling and how our AutoStack is considered an essential tool among contractors here in Spain.

This week we are in the UK, in the English countryside, attending Lamma Show, which takes place for some years already in the Peterborough East of England Showgroud, near the emblematic city of Cambridge.
Australia, a great market

Our winter months correspond with the harvest time of one of the world’s largest wheat producers. According to US Department of Agriculture (USDA), it is estimated that 24 million tons of wheat will be produced in Australia in 2016-17, representing 3.5% of world production.
“Arcusin, líder desde la innovación”

Arcusin dio sus primeros pasos coincidiendo con el inicio de la democracia en nuestro país. 40 años que le han servido no solo para ganar en experiencia, sino para posicionarse como referencia mundial absoluta en el mercado de la manipulación de pacas. La gran cercanía a sus clientes y una constancia por la innovación han hecho que hoy podamos encontrar la maquinaria de Arcusin en los cinco continentes. Así se lo transmitió recientemente a Interempresas, Josep Ramon Pons, gerente de la compañía, en una enriquecedora visita a su sede.