
Demoagro 2023, a memorable return to the field

Demoagro’s 5th edition took place in Rueda, Valladolid, at the end of May, consolidating it as one of the most important agricultural fairs in Spain. The event took place outdoors, offering to the 30,000 attendees the opportunity to learn about the latest technologies and innovations in agricultural machinery, watch live demonstrations and drive the machines first hand.

Arcusin exhibited all the forage machines, including the two large bale stacker models AutoStack FSX and XP, the MultiPack D14 small bale bundler, and the ForStack accumulator, which is capable of collecting and stacking both large and bundled bales. We were eager to show what our machines are capable of, and they were all available to professionals who came to ask questions and wanted to test their efficiency and easy maneuverability.

In addition, to encourage people to visit our stand and try out the machines in a fun way, our Marketing team organized the 2nd edition of the Forstack competition, which ended up being a resounding success and undoubtedly one of the most popular events of the fair.


Arcusin en Demoagro


More than 70 farmers came to register and participate in the competition, we were astonished by the reception that this had amongst the attendees and had a great time. We were impressed with the motivation and passion of the young generation of farmers, demonstrating great skill in handling the tractor and achieving incredible times. Finally, Miquel Montoro was proclaimed winner with a record time of 41 seconds and 90 thousandths.

We left Demoagro completely recharged and feeling grateful to the organization for all the work done during those three days. We look forward to repeating in 2025!


Arcusin en Demoagro Arcusin en Demoagro

Arcusin en DemoagroArcusin en Demoagro

Miquel Montoro con Arcusin Miquel Montoro con Arcusin

Arcusin en Demoagro  Arcusin en Demoagro  Arcusin en Demoagro

Arcusin en Demoagro Arcusin a Demoagro

DEMOAGRO: a step forward

Demoagro 2019 held on May 21st to 23th its fourth edition in Aragon, specifically in La Finca Castillo de Orus, a few kilometers from Huesca city. An unbeatable place that met all the requirements demanded so that the demonstrations of the machines and equipment showed their best doing.
It is important to highlight the great organization and great work carried out by the entire ANSEMAT team led by Victoria Ruiz, the main responsible for the event.

ARCUSIN had a plot of more than 8,000 meters located next to the main entrance of the site. A representation of all their square bale handling equipment for straw and hay were available to all interested parties who wanted to check and test in situ the proper functioning of the machines.

The best introduction of the company was the bale loader AutoStack, the bale Accumulator ForStack and the Small bales bundle Multipack and the LinePack Front Aligner.

The new bale packer Multipack C14+ was also the highlight of our stand. This new model incorporates all the experience acquired since its first model, 25 years ago, with a renovated image.

Another attraction was the contest organized by ARCUSIN to test the expertise and skill in driving the bale accumulator ForStack. Contestants had to accumulate two stacks of 4 bales in the shortest possible time. The winner made a record time of 00:56” and won a 4 day trip to a European capital.

During the three days, the sun shone with enthusiasm, helping to make this great celebration of agricultural machinery a success and the more than 22,000 attendees could fully enjoy all the novelties of the sector.

Demoagro 2019 Fair – We start the 1st ForStack Competition! Participate!

Este año en Demoagro 2019, como novedad que no puedes perderte, iniciamos la 1ra Competición ForStack




¿Crees que puedes ser el más rápido manejando el ForStack?

¡Esta es tu competición!

Te esperamos en la parcela R1


Detalles de la competición:

  1. Arcusin es el responsable de facilitar la maquinaria para realizar la competición (tractor + ForStack).
  2. La competición se realizará cada día dentro del horario del evento durante los 3 días de Demoagro. 21, 22 y 23 de Mayo de 9 a 19h.
  3. La inscripción a la competición se hará en la parcela de ARCUSIN (R1) en Demoagro. Preguntar al equipo Arcusin presente en el evento, ellos le entregarán al interesado/a en participar la hoja para la inscripción y el horario de ésta.
  4. Los clientes/conductores que ya disponen de un ForStack podrán participar pero, para no jugar con ventaja, se descontará un tiempo calculado y acordado por la dirección de Arcusin.
  5. Se realizarán 3 pilas por participante; la primera pila no entra en la competición ya que será de formación acompañado de un técnico Arcusin. Las dos siguientes pilas las realizará el participante sin ayuda, éstas dos serán las que se cronometraran y entraran en competición.
  6. Las descargas del acumulador serán en modo DISPERSO.
  7. El equipo de Arcusin será el responsable de cronometrar el tiempo y registrarlo.
  8. A última hora del 3er y último día del evento se compararan los tiempos de todos los participantes. El menor tiempo en realizar las dos pilas será el ganador.
  9. Se informará/contactará al ganador por teléfono, facilitado en el momento de la inscripción. En caso de no conseguir contactar con el ganador durante los siguientes 30 días, el título de ganador pasará al segundo mejor tiempo. Si tampoco se consiguiera contactar con el segundo mejor tiempo pasados los siguientes 15 días, la competición quedará desierta.
  10. El ganador podrá escoger entre dos premios: Un viaje para dos personas o un alineador de pacas multifunción LinePack – Arcusin.
  11. Viaje para dos personas (hotel + vuelo): destino a escoger entre Roma, París o Tenerife. La duración del viaje será de 4 días / 3 noches. Se podrán escoger los días para viajar a partir de septiembre de 2019. El premio caducará el 20 de diciembre de 2019.
  12. Arcusin s.a. se reserva el derecho a modificar las presentes condiciones comunicándolo públicamente a través de su web o insitu a los participantes del evento.
  13. Arcusin s.a. se reserva el derecho de admisión.

Fair Demoagro 2017

2017 Demoagro was held in Cuenca (Spain), on the spectacular plantation La Granja, located between San Clemente and Alberca de Záncara. As it couldn’t be otherwise, Arcusin team was enjoying three days among customers, friends and colleagues from the agricultural machinery sector.

During the fair we exhibited the bale stacker AutoStack FSX 63.72, stacking bales and catching people’s attention.
Also it could be seen live the smallest of the house; the bale packer MultiPack C14. However, once again was the bale accumulator ForStack 8·12 who focus all the attention. Despite being a mature machine it is still a novelty for many.

In collaboration with CASE, we show our olives & almond shacker AutoPick GTI which included the new peeler almonds. It was hooked to a reversible tractor and it will be also display at the fair EXPOVICAMAN Albacete.

It is worth mentioning the good organization of the show and how every detail was well cared for. Our congratulations to our friends from ANSEMAT, who were the ones making it happen.

The possibility of this demonstration show does not leave any visitor indifferent. Although the rainy weather on the third day we are looking forward for the next edition. Where it will be 2019 edition …? Wherever it is, there we will be.

Do you need more information? Contact us!


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