
Pistachio Harvest at Finca Telereta featuring influencer @agripilar

Finca Telereta was founded in 2017 as a pistachio exploitation by the family of the agricultural influencer Pilar, known on social media as @agripilar, who decided to return to the countryside after living abroad for a while and pouring everything onto the agricultural sector. They planted their first trees in 2018 with the help of family and friends, and after 4 years of a lot of work, patience and dedication, they began their first harvest in 2022, which was very well received by the followers of their digital community.

In September and October of this year, Arcusin visited the farm with the AutoPick GTi shaker to demonstrate its capabilities and great efficiency, while being part of an special 2023 successful harvest. Currently the farm has a plantation of 4,500 trees that are 4-5 years old, yielding excellent production and quality for how young they are. The machine was vibrating at a frequency of 90/100 pistachios per hour without damaging their trunks, with a diameter of between 2 to 7 cm, and with a small planting frame of 4.5 x 4.5 m. In this sense, we must also thank the good maneuverability of the compact Antonio Carraro tractor, creating an ideal tractor-vibrator duo for this type of plantations.

Pilar broadcasted the pistachio harvest live and gave her followers a chance to ask questions and comment on the day. Without a doubt, this young agricultural engineering student is revolutionizing social media and being a great advocate for agriculture, fighting to defend the rights of ranchers and producers, and transmitting her passion for the countryside through the screen.

To finish, we could not end the season without trying the delicious pistachios from Finca Telereta, corroborating their great flavor and how addictive they are! Local, organic and such a good quality product indeed.

You can buy them here, do not miss yours!

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